Wednesday 20th May
The wind has eased, the team are ready, its time for a re-match:
Farne Island Wardens vs Seahouses boatmen
So it begins, the bad memories of the 2-4 defeat on 22nd April will hopefully put behind us and the wardens will take the bragging rights back from the boatmen. Having been put through their paces (well walking around looking for migrant birds), the team are as close to wanting victory as we've seen all season. Surely we can't fail this time. Newcastle United and Sunderland maybe lacking the passion for victory, but as a head warden, I don't think I'm letting my team eat tomorrow night (yes I'm cooking) if we don't win. Competitive? Oh course.... ha ha ha. So look forward to a match on.
Breeding Birds: Today the islands have a complete set, as Kittiwakes and Common Terns are now on eggs - its all go and everything is starting increase. The number of nesting Arctic Terns has increased rapidly and the first 'attacks' from these aerial magicians is only days away. As always there will be plenty of twists and turns in the breeding season, but its now getting exciting.
Highlights: Not much to report: Little Tern 42, Little Gull first-summer, Sanderling still with us (fourth day), Grasshopper Warbler, Chiffchaff 3, Whitethroat - that's about it, quiet!
Well sadly im not in goal this game, so youve got a slightly better chance hahah
The wise money's on the boatmen, but I fancy a draw!
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