Sunday, 1 December 2013

Happy Farnesmas

The Farnes team celebrating Farnesmas...complete with jumpers!

A few beers to share

The food ready for cooking by top chefs Ciaran and Bex

Chestnuts with sprouts on the menu

The lamb slow cooked and looking good

Enjoying the meal

Showing off presents - Will with his new phone cover
Sunday 1st December comments: Our last Sunday on the islands was celebrated in style as the team enjoyed ‘Farnesmas’, our version of Christmas; after all we won’t be here on Christmas day (we hope!!).

So following last years tradition, a full roast dinner complete with lamb, chicken and even roast chestnuts with sprouts were cooked whilst Christmas jumpers were the dress code. Even ‘Secret Santa presents’ were bought with the team delivering some top gifts; from Bridled Tern iPhone covers to ranger calendars, we had it all.

The day was a huge success and very enjoyable, but tomorrow we return to action, as we have seals to count, boardwalks to construct and the Farne Islands to pack down. This is it, the final week is here. Bring it on.

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