Sunday, 22 March 2009

A day for painting

Sunday 22nd March Comments
It’s a busy time for the warding team as we prepare the island for all the visitors and breeding birds which we’ll see over the next nine months. Today brought a change in the weather as strong north-westerly winds buffered the islands, restricting bird movement and warden activities! However despite the wind, the team set about upgrading the ‘Roseate Tern Terrace’ on the island, ready for the forthcoming breeding season. The task of weeding and re-sanding took the majority of the morning whilst the afternoon was spent painting two rooms in the lighthouse cottage and generally cleaning the accommodation. The bird highlight of the day came in the form of a stunning Glaucous Gull just off Inner Farne, whilst we eagerly anticipate our first Sandwich Tern arrival any day soon.

Weather: NW 5-6 occasionally 7 with bright sunshine

Whooper Swan – a total 75 recorded moving north early morning – a new Farnes day count, Merlin 1 chasing a Pipit in spectacular fashion (but failed to catch it), GLAUCOUS GULL first-winter individual drifting into first-summer plumage, showed well in the ‘Kettle’ just off Inner Farne, Grey Wagtail 1 on beach.

Breeding Birds:
Shags remain and continue to nest build whilst Kittiwake numbers increase slightly. However all the Auks (Puffins etc) were scarce and appear to have departed Farne waters for the time being with the onset of the windy weather. Wren – male singing in vegetable garden.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're not getting the high winds I've got in the Midlands right now. Glaucous gull ooooh!!
