Friday 17 April 2009

Incoming Migrants

Dirty Puffin spring cleaning its burrow

A stunning Kittiwake at its nest site

Fulmar in flight
Friday 17th April
The turbulent start to the season continued, as the north-easterly winds prevented boats from sailing although the Puffins and Guillemots were evident in good numbers. It was a quieter day for the team as for the first time in a while, they took the foot of the pedal and enjoyed the surroundings of the islands. Despite this, we did achieve a few things including laying a laminate floor (yes, it was a nightmare) and painting marker stones for breeding bird monitoring. The islands experienced an increase of common migrants, especially during the late afternoon – something which often happens on the Farnes. The Grasshopper Warblers remained on Brownsman whilst other bird numbers increased including a good number of Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs.

Weather: NE 5-6 dec 4, with bright sunshine

Highlights: A good selection of common migrants including an influx mid-afternoon across the islands including: Skylark 1, Wheatear 6, Redwing 2, Robin 11, Willow Warbler 21, Chiffchaff 16, Blackcap 10, Grasshopper Warbler 2 remain on Brownsman, Brambling 4, Reed Bunting 1.

Breeding Birds: A good day with Guillemots and Puffins back in good numbers, Fulmars copulating for the first time, Kittiwake's started collecting mud for nest building activity, Shelduck breeding pair remain, Ringed Plover – a second pair successfully caged for protection against predation, Oystercatcher displaying, Pied Wagtail – five pairs across the islands (we’ll have hopefully have seven eventually).


  1. laminate flooring??

    you're certainly tarting the place up!

  2. Laminate floor and Puffins spring cleaning? You can come and visit me any time, I've been up to my eyeballs cleaning house ready for an invasion of ancient relatives to celebrate my daughter's 18th tomorrow. She adores puffins!
    Hope you are able to get some more visitors if the weather has calmed down up your way, but it sounds like plenty to keep you occupied!
    Quite idyllic in fact!!
