Monday 20 April 2009

A Little Gem

Adult Little Gull, seen this morning over the islands

Male Blackcap on passage through the islands

Monday 20th April
Welcome to Monday on the Farnes – admittedly, it’s just another day out here and we do forget which day it is until my telephone starts to ring every five minutes (well it feels like that) which indicates it’s a Monday and everyone else is back to work. However life on the ‘rock’ is still going well, the team enjoyed the warm sunny weather with flat clam seas, and the sight of two Porpoise near the islands got the day off to a good start.

The bird highlight of the day was a stunning summer plumage adult Little Gull – a smart addition to the ‘year list’, whilst a few migrants lingered on. The breeding birds continued to settle and more Eiders arrived. With regard to visitors, it was noticeable that the school holidays were over as the number of visitors reduced, but those which did make it, enjoyed the sights sounds and smells (nothing to do with the wardens!) of the Farnes on such a stunning day.

Weather: SW 1-2, sunny and bright, very calm conditions

Highlights: Gannet 559N in 30mins, Purple Sandpiper 115, Bar-tailed Godwit 100, Whimbrel 1, Little Gull 1 adult, Sandwich Tern 392, Common Tern 1, Swallow 15 north, ‘White Wagtail’ 1 male on Inner Farne, Redwing 1 late bird, Song Thrush 2, Robin 10, Blackcap 2, Willow Warbler 9, Chiffchaff 3 and Goldfinch 1.

Porpoise 2 seen together through Inner Sound

Breeding birds: Razorbills copulating, plenty of Guillemots and Puffins now settled, Shags still laying, Eiders still arriving on the islands looking for suitable nest sites, Rock Pipit with nest material.


  1. The photos are absolutely amazing not sure whether it is you who takes them David , the little gull was superb and the eider yesterday just didnt look real - 100% stunning . I am hoping that some of these birds will still be around in July when I come up , looks like now 16/17th .
    Thanks for all your updates sorry I dont reply everyday but I do read them all and they are lovely and are much appreciated honest . There is so much going on at the moment EJ has had her second egg wonder if she is in for 4 this year her new mate is superb . Thanks again David .

  2. The phtos are amazing - the handy work of warden Joe Cockram - he's got an eye for it!! Thankfully most of the birds will be present mid-July although Guillemots will be gone. Good to hear the news re: EJ.
