Monday 18 May 2009

All quiet as westerlies are coming...

Inner Farne Sandwich Tern colony continues to grow...

Yesterdays male Pied Flycatcher on Inner Farne
Monday 18th May

A quiet day for everything – no visitors (sea poor again – its relentless at the moment), the majority of migrant birds have moved through the islands and the breeding birds were quiet although plenty of Arctic Terns laying now. The team failed to make the mainland due to the poor weather, so we’ll have to wait (once again) for supplies.

As it’s a Monday, I was kept busy with various paper work but generally not much to comment on. Thankfully the wind appeared to be easing so we can get back into the swing of things and settle for the summer. If the wind does ease, then we’ll be taking on the mighty boatmen at a rematch on Wednesday evening – so revenge is on the cards!

Weather: SE swinging to the SW 5-6 decreasing to 4 late evening

Highlights: A quiet day as the wind switched to the south and then a hint of west later in the day. Highlights included: Bar-tailed Godwit 70, Knot 40, Common Sandpiper 2, Black Redstart female lingering still, Tree Pipit, Chiffchaff 5, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Wheatear 4 and male Blackcap.

Breeding birds: More Arctic Terns with eggs – the islands (Inner Farne and Brownsman) is starting to ‘fill up’ with nesting pairs – over the next few days it’ll be littered! Otherwise not much to report from today, as things are starting to settle and we’ll be in the swing of the full breeding season soon.


  1. That was a lovely story about the Kittiwake in the oven! Well done! So its the big re match eh? You best get some training in so you don't play like Sunderland did last night..................

  2. Hoping the winds and the seas calm down a bit so you can get supplies in - and play your football match.
