Tuesday 12 May 2009

Plover chicks on the up!

Adult Ringed Plover with chick on Inner Farne

Stunning: an adult Arctic Tern in flight

Peregrine over the islands this morning

Record shot: yesterdays fly-over Bar-headed Goose
Tuesday 12th May

Our second of easterlies as the wind continued to blow across the north sea, although there was no sign of rain as the sunny conditions kept everything pleasant on the islands. It’s been a remarkably dry start to the season, as the pond on Inner Farne will testify to that – it’s almost dry two months quicker than normal! However the fine weather ensured yet more visitors enjoyed the spectacle of the Farnes and step into an active seabird colony, as both the sights and sounds (and not forgetting the smell) make visiting the islands at this time of year a very enjoyable experience.

As for migrant birds, a few interesting bits dropped in today including a male Pied Flycatcher whilst a stunning male Peregrine was not the most welcome of guests at this time of year! Following the visitor work, we spent the evening scanning the sea for any bird movement and we were rewarded with 32 Manx Shearwater – a reasonable count for us in May whilst a Great Skua powered north. With more easterlies forecast, things will only get better….

Weather: E1-3 with sunny and warm conditions

Highlights: Red-throated Diver 1N, Manx Shearwater 32N, Great Skua 1N, Peregrine male, Teal 3, Common Sandpiper on Brownsman, Whimbrel, Purple Sandpiper 100 on Longstone, Wheatear 2, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat 2, Grasshopper Warbler on Staple, Pied Flycatcher male on Brownsman (first of the year) and Siskin.

Breeding birds: More Shag chicks hatching in nests around the colonies, Sandwich Tern numbers increase yet again, Arctic Terns now displaying and landing at the three main colonies, Shelduck remain evident, Ringed Plover both broods coping well despite the presence of large Gulls.

Farne Islands Year list (number of species seen since 20th March):
Inner Group 107
Outer Group 98
Overall 119

Photographs: just a personal note to my team, especially Joe Cockram for the stunning photos they supply for the blog - nice work lads, keep it up!!


  1. Hear hear David about the photographs they are superb and very much appreciated , loved the peregrine , I have just been down to Chichester today to see the peregrines at the cathedral all 4 babies doing very well ( I know you may not welcome him just like the pigeon breeder did not near the cathedral - oh dear naughty peregrine !!) he doesnt know a feral one as opposed to one worth a few bob does he - to him its just dinner , also the New Forest Goshawk has had two of her eggs hatch today two more to go , goodness its is babies everywhere !!!! such a good time of the year . Take care all .

  2. What a beautiful photo of the plover chick! kezia is right, babies everywhere. Local pond has little moorhen chicks and ducklings all over the place.
    Derby peregrines have 4 chicks hatched, they seem to be growing fast.
