Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The future's bright, the future's Rosy

Look who's back....Roseate in flight

No mistaking...Roseate Tern on the Farnes

It’s been a great season so far and things have just got better. A pair of Roseate Terns arrived late last month and following displaying and nest scrapping behaviour, the pair have settled and laid two eggs on the islands. The success is the first confirmed breeding in three years on the Farnes, following the breeding pair of 2004-06. Roseate Terns were once a common feature of the islands, with 100 pairs breeding in 1961 but a slow and steady decline saw the species become extinct as a breeder on the islands in 2002. The decline was mirrored in other British seabird colonies and the population dropped to below 100 nationally.

In recent years on the Farnes, birds have appeared annually but it’s been a frustrating period in Farnes history, as they have failed to breed in 2002-03 and 2007-08. However the late arrival of our pair is typical of a species which nest very late in the summer. The UK appears to experience a ‘three wave’ affect, as birds turn up in mid-May, early June and late June and this third wave of breeders has brought the pair to the islands. We can now celebrate the new arrivals and hopefully our population can start to increase from here.

As well as good news from here, nearby Coquet Island is reporting an impressive 86 nesting pairs (no public access) whilst one or two pairs are being reported from at least two other British localities. More news to follow on this great success - lets hope the weather maintains itself for our latest arrivals.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hello and I am on my way in North Wales now , seen Red Kites at Gigrin awesome sight , saw kites as well all over , saw Ospreys at Dyfi project and off to see more tomorrow at Glaslyn , looking forward to seeing seabirds , hold some nice weather please had far too much water in Wales !!! and no phone reception and hardly any netbook , a week tomorrow I should be there !!! hope all okay bye for now , hope the finger isnt 'Puffin' up too much David !! well I thought that was funny !!!
