Saturday 7 April 2012

Back to normal

Sandwich Tern numbers continue to build

Grey Seals very evident around islands (Ciaran Hatsell)

Kittiwakes return

Black-headed Gulls prospecting for nest sites (Ciaran Hatsell)

Saturday 7th April comments: The islands continue to change on a daily basis as the breeding season is slowly advancing. Sandwich Terns numbers continue to increase (over 170 now) whilst vocal Black-headed Gulls are prospecting for nest sites on stone walls. The appearance of our first full-summer plumage Mediterranean Gull of the year may hint at even more spectacular things to come...

Following the extreme weather mid-week, the Puffins and Guillemots have all returned and are showing very well for visitors. It won't be too long before we are discovering their first eggs. On the migrant front, things remain quiet although Porpoise are being recorded almost daily between Inner Farne and the mainland (Inner Sound), so keep you eyes peeled if you are travelling to the Farnes.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pics thank you so pleased weather not too bad for you and those Puffins are around for visitors . Have yet to see a Porpoise hopefully will one day .
    Happy Easter Saturday all
