Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Busy days...

Sandwich terns continue to increase on central meadow 

Kittiwakes stealing nest material - the nesting Eider may have concerns! 

Digging out water logged Puffins burrows - the end result

Tuesday 8th May comments: Slowly and surely the busty season is creeping on us. In under three weeks the ranger team will be full staffed and fully operational. From counting seabird populations to welcoming thousands of visitors, the life of the rangers will soon change. Throw in various research and scientific data collection and everything else associated with the Farnes, we'll soon know the summer has arrived.

On the seabird front, the build-up continues and as I write, thousands of Arctic Terns have descended onto the islands...it'll soon be hat time - you have been warned. The number of migrant birds has decreased in recent days due to a lack of favourable winds, but the Wryneck continues to entertain - we've lost count the number of days it has been here.  

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