Thursday, 8 November 2012

Cute factor

Sleeping babies...

"Mum..what are those"

Saying hello...

The team on the colonies

Yes still here and we still wouldn't mess...a bull seal

Thursday 8th November comments: The weather has taken a turn for the worst which has restricted access to the colonies this week. However the wind is due to ease by the weekend and by the time we re-enter the colonies, we suspect our pup total will be closer to the 1,000 mark.

With the westerly winds dominating, birding has also been quiet although Little Auks continue to be recorded daily (now wintering off the Farnes) whilst the odd seaduck brightens up the winter days. We'll have plenty more news to bring you, including news on our Seal watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to just have heard that one of the Farne pups have been found in Holland !!! 558 km away from the Farnes.... gosh !
