Saturday, 19 October 2013

Seal of Approval

40 Stone bull....would you mess?

New born pup on Staple Island

It's that time of year again....

Lazy days for our pups

Mother and pup on Staple Island

Saturday 19th October comments: We’ve had our fill of weather, we’ve had our fill of birds and now its time to have our fill of Seals! The Seal tours have begun (get yourself out here!) and the pupping is under way. We now have pups on three islands with a total of 35 born to date but things are hotting up. Over the next eight weeks, we'll have an incredible 1,600 born on these rocky outcrops and as usual, we'll bring you all the drama of the seal season.

On the bird front, migration continues unabated as winter thrushes move in whilst the last of our summer migrants depart for southern warmer climes. The Olive-backed Pipit managed to linger on Inner Farne for four days whilst two Little Buntings enjoyed each others company on Brownsman. With two months of the season still to go, there is still a long way to go and no doubt we'll have a few more surprises to talk about over those forthcoming weeks. So tune in and we'll keep you posted!

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