The fight for cliff space begins (David Kinchin-smith) |
No inch spared (David Kinchin-smith) |
Get out! (David Kinchin-smith) |
Bruised but okay (David Kinchin-smith) |
Wednesday 9th April comments: It’s all go on the Farnes as at long last we are enjoying a settled weather spell following two weeks of cold easterly winds and thick fog. The seabirds are responding as more and more Shags are laying eggs whilst Puffins are starting to settle after a much needed “spring-clean” of their burrows.
On the cliff-tops, the arguments and battles for cliff space has begun and the Guillemots were at it today. The Farnes boast over 50,000 individual Guillemots and every inch is fought over. Today a battle between two rival birds was observed and the injuries sustained were not life threatening but looked painful all the same. After a long winter at sea, the urge to reproduce is strong and tempers are high!
Its dog eat dog world out here, but this is the Farnes and it’s nature at its best!
I love these pictures! recently I went on a boat trip around the Farnes and I loved looking around and seeing all the animals! -Katie age 11