Friday 24 April 2009

Aches and Pains

Ringed Plover - caged, safe and happy - incubating four eggs

Sandwich Terns galore over Inner Farne
Friday 24th April
The aftermath of the football continues to sink in, as some of my wardens are still recovering, but we remain very optimistic for the reply, as at least we’ve played together as a team now! Anyway the boat lads ensured we didn’t forget the game, as a visiting school group started singing 4-2 as the boat moored to the jetties. Those boatmen know how to rub it in, but thankfully we saw the funny side…

Back to the islands, the team (mainly with aches and pains), went about the daily visitor work and other bits and pieces, as the islands have started to ‘hot up’. The breeding seabirds continue to advance up the islands, with Eiders increasing on a daily basis, whilst more and more Terns appear daily. The week has been quiet for visitors as the end of the Easter holiday has seen a reduction in numbers (but that’ll change soon) and everything appears to be ticking along very nicely indeed (including the preparation of Staple Island to open to the public on 1st May).

Interesting migrant birds continue to arrive daily including our first Lesser Whitethroats of the year today – although one had to be rescued from the female toilets early this morning – an interesting way to mark your arrival from sub-Saharan African!!

Weather: S 4-5 occasionally 6, overcast and cold!

Highlights: Common Scoter 150 on sea Inner Sound, Sparrowhawk female, Bar-tailed Godwit 1 on beach, Sandwich Tern 554, Arctic Tern 14, Common Tern 3, Mediterranean Gull 1st summer yet again, Yellow Wagtail 6 together on Inner Farne (an impressive number for Farnes), Fieldfare 1, Redstart male, Wheatear 9, Lesser Whitethroat 2 (first of the year), Willow Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 5, Blackcap 1 and Lesser Redpoll 1 west.

Breeding birds: Nesting female Eider numbers increase, Oystercatcher observed nest scraping, Ringed Plovers incubating in protected nest sites (caged against predation), Puffins return in big numbers (a bit scarce in past two days), Sandwich Terns landing at main colony site on Inner Farne with plenty displaying over islands, Black-headed Gull nest building, Arctic Terns displaying, Pied Wagtail sitting on five eggs in nest box, Rock Pipits nest building.


  1. well you boys played like a bunch of girls! You could play for the toon! Lets hope you are better at birding!

    Miss G

  2. Well I hope there were no ladies IN the toilets when someone had to rescue the lost bird!
    you do all keep busy, don't you? And thanks for more great photos
