Saturday 25 April 2009

Harrier Fly-by

Distant shot of todays Hen Harrier over the Farnes

Lesser Redpoll on Brownsman
Saturday 25th April
Welcome to another weekend on the Farnes and the day started brightly as the Farnes 14th ever Hen Harrier was seen heading directly out to sea, over Longstone Lighthouse and beyond – a quality bird and a great start. The day brought yet more migrant birds to the islands including a Mistle Thrush – an uncommon bird out here whilst a late Fieldfare was probably going to follow the Harrier out to sea at some stage!! Other new birds for the year included our first Tree Pipits of the year, in the lighthouse compound of Inner Farne. Despite the warm sunny conditions, visitor numbers remained low, but it was just a pleasure to be out here (although as head warden, I was away at a boat fare so missed all the fun!). Having returned, there is another BQ scheduled and some football practice – we need it – we’ve got a rematch to win!

Weather: ESE 1-3 with mist patches

Highlights: Peregrine adult, Hen Harrier ‘ringtail’ east out to sea – probably migrating to Scandinavia – only 14th Farne record and third spring sighting ever, Sandwich Tern 600+, Arctic Tern 37+, Bar-tailed Godwit 2, Black-tailed Godwit 1 summer plumage on Staple, Dunlin 2, Tree Pipit 2, Wheatear 10, Mistle Thrush 1, Fieldfare 1, Song Thrush 1, Lesser Whitethroat 4, Willow Warbler 5, Chiffchaff 5, Blackcap female, Lesser Redpoll 2, Goldfinch 5 inc 1 singing

Breeding Birds: Fulmars copulating, Terns continue to increase in numbers, Black-headed Gull nest building, Puffins head back to sea and almost all gone by mid-afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. That's right, get some more football training in when you can!

    Question: are the seals there yet and if not when do you expect them? Not that redpolls, puffins, harriers et all aren't interesting, but I started reading this blog because of the seals and got sucked in to the rest of it!
