Friday 3 April 2009

Foggy Days

A Farnes rare - Wood Pigeon at the Lighthouse!!

Snipe flying from the pond, Inner Farne

male Reed Bunting, singing, Inner Farne
Friday 3rd April
Our third open day and we woke to thick fog, as a result of the south-easterly winds. However the birders amongst the team were up early as the conditions were ideal for bringing in migrant birds. However despite the conditions, it was a slightly disappointing day although plenty of interesting things – the team are just getting use to birding an island – the Wood Pigeon put a smile on my face, as I know how scarce they are on the Farnes (just 5 or 6 records per year). Despite the conditions, we did receive visitors, as one boat landed mid-afternoon, although with all the Puffins and Guillemots gone, it was a slightly disappointing day!

Weather: South-easterly backing southerly wind 3-4 with thick fog all day – visibility poor throughout.

Highlights: A good scattering of migrants with the south-easterly winds although nothing rare. Highlights included: Peregrine lingering, Snipe, Purple Sandpiper 60, Wood Pigeon (scarce on here!), Wheatear 4, Fieldfare 16, Redwing 6, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting – singing male in veg garden.

Breeding birds: The thick fog prevented a count of the Sandwich Tern roost and the Auks disappeared once again, leaving the islands empty. However the breeding Shags remained with a light scattering of Kittiwakes and Fulmars. Interestingly the pair of Wrens were seen carrying nesting material, so it appears that they are going to attempt to breed again!!

1 comment:

  1. I wish wood pigeons were rare in my garden !!!! they are a pain - but yesterday I had a rare bird a beautiful cock pheasant , well rare in my garden anyway . Been an exciting day today David as a new male Osprey arrived at Loch Garten , no rings so noone knows where he has come from , so exciting days ,EJ seems happy to be with him so perhaps she knows him - hey perhaps they met on holiday !!! Looking forward to your updates and no doubt you will be busy over the Easter hols - hopefully the weather holds for you . Take care .
