Saturday 4 April 2009

Quiet Saturday

Saturday 4th April
It was a general quiet day on the islands, with very few breeding birds present and the wind was unexpectedly strong today. Inner Farne welcomed two boats during the course of the day, although only a handful of people made the journey due to the inclement weather. However before the wind had a chance to increase, a few migrant birds dropped in, including a striking Black Redstart. Other than listening to Newcastle United’s demise (not a bad thing for a Sunderland supporter), it was business as usual and the team went about completing some small tasks. The lads, most new to the Farnes, have acclimatised well to the Farnes and everyone is enjoying the experience and looking forward to the forthcoming months.

Weather: SW swinging to W 3-4 increasing to 6-7 late afternoon

Highlights: Black Redstart – a female-type showing well on dock bank on Inner Farne late afternoon, Merlin, Peregrine male over, Skylark 1 singing, Wheatear 3, Redwing, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest 6.

Breeding birds: The island remained empty of Guillemots and Puffins and the typical erratic behaviour is expected at this time of year but it won’t be long before things settle and the first eggs are laid. The breeding pair of Shelduck were seen again, whilst Rock Pipits inspect nest sites.


  1. Sounds peaceful yet windy! I hope the puffins etc begin returning and nesting in earnest soon, and that you all have plenty to keep you occupied in the meantime.

  2. It looks like its us or your lot for the last relegation spot...let's hope Mr Shearer can spur the boys on the mackems join the smoggies in the championship..
