Friday 10 April 2009

Ringled Plover Eggs!

Puffin after a 'spring clean' of its burrow

Introducing Brownsman Senior Warden; Adam Scott
Thursday 9th April
The wind switched, but not to our advantage as the islands remained closed for a second day to visitors, as the sea state was poor! The team enjoyed another day of practical work, as they worked away at various projects including the construction of a Ringed Plover cage – a handy devise which allows the Ringed Plovers access to their nest but prevents raiding predators from stealing their eggs. Bird protection at its best! As its quiet for news, I’ll start introducing my team, and no doubt embarrassing them in the process! This year’s team is very new, with only one returnee; Adam Scott.

Adam is in his second year and will be Senior Warden on Brownsman, having had an enjoyable first year on the islands. Adam is a popular member of the team although coming from London, usually takes some stick from the northern boys amongst us. However as a supporter of the mighty Arsenal, he can usually keep us quiet, especially the boatmen who remain loyal to Newcastle United. His claim to fame is that his right ear once appeared on a Question of Sport – he told me that, just don’t ask.

Weather: SSW 4-5 inc 6 with bright sunshine

Highlights: Mediterranean Gull first-summer remained for third day on Knoxes Reef, Sandwich Tern 161, Fieldfare, Wheatear 4, Willow Warbler 2, Blackcap male, Jackdaw 2.

Breeding Birds: Following recent nest scraping activity, the first Ringed Plover eggs were discovered on Inner Farne whilst another Mallard nest was discovered, our third on the island. The Auks remained present whilst the Sandwich Tern numbers increased yet again.


  1. Hello Adam! Nice to put faces to names, and look forward to "meeting" the rest of you :)

    Plover Protection sounds a good thing, are there many predators for them on the islands?

    Cold grey and rainy in the midlands today, not weather for gardening sadly.

  2. Adam looks a happy soul looking forward to seeing the pics of others perhaps and I will ask can explain the right ear !! - not much to say about football but I support !!! with a bit of difficulty at the moment Southampton !!!! My nieces husband is a Geordie and a great supporter of Newcastle who are having about as much luck as we are !! I just tell everyone we are very strong holding the league up !! Oh how I love Puffins so thanks for pics , Hopefully the weather will improve for you but as you say you can at least get things done . Looks like I shall now visit around 12/13th July so David please tell me there will be plenty to see . Take care all and looking forward to next pic !!

  3. by the way, not that I want to be picky but your headline says "ringled" plover LOL
