Tuesday 14 April 2009

Sunny Days

Chatting away; Puffins at dusk

One of our breeding Pied Wagtails

Last of the winter visotrs, a late Fieldfare, feeding up ready for departure north.

Tuesday 14th April
Busy busy busy!! It’s been a hectic four days as the glorious sunshine brought plenty of people to the islands and the breeding birds matched that activity. The weather remained settled, although the foggy spells caused a few problems with our plans, but like anything on the islands, the team adapt and work around such small problems (honest!). Breeding bird activity has increased, migrant birds continue to increase in numbers as they move north through the islands and it’s been a generally good period for the Farnes.

However it always helps to remain vigilant, as a young boy visiting the islands with his family, spotted a Puffin in distress, as its left wing had become trapped. Thankfully some quick reactions from the resident team helped free the bird, which was released unharmed and the young lad took the plaudits – a Farnes warden in the making!!! Other than that, all is well on the islands, the team enjoyed a night on Brownsman for the first time and some of the lads remained out there to start preparing for a full opening. However the fine weather is about to come to a shuddering halt, as the wind is forecast to blow from the east….just what the birders amongst the team want, as more migrant birds will no doubt appear.

Weather: A warm sunny weekend and ban holiday with very light winds and occasional foggy patches

Today’s Highlights: Sandwich Tern 300+ at roost, Mediterranean Gull – first summer lingering, Redstart – a cracking male on Brownsman – first of the year, Black Redstart female on Longstone Main, Willow Warbler 4, Blackcap 2, Blackbird 3, Song Thrush 2 and Fieldfare. A ‘White Wagtail’ was noted on Saturday on Inner Farne.

Breeding birds: Shags – more eggs discovered as good numbers are well settled, Cormorants now on eggs at the three breeding colonies, Shelduck – the pair continue to check islands for suitable nest burrows, Mallards six pairs nesting, Eider – the first females prospecting for nest sites on Brownsman and Inner Farne, Ringed Plovers - a second nest of three eggs discovered, Puffins, Guillemots and Razorbills now settled on cliff ledges, Pied Wagtail and Rock Pipits nest building – its all go!


  1. Thank you once again for a lovely update and a picture of one of my favourite birds a pied wagtail . I was lucky enough earlier this year to have one in my garden for a couple of days and then it went missing and I found it dead in my front garden , whether it was a cat I am not sure but there seemed no injury but I was very sad . Bet you have been busy over the holiday the weather was glorious Monday for sure . Well done to the young boy who saved the puffin - he will always remember that David and will be a lover of puffins for ever and also the Farnes will be forever in his heart . I cant wait to come and see you all , all being well 16/17th July , hopefully will find a nice campsite near by to stay a couple of nights !! Thats a long way off so much to happen before then , we are still waiting for EJ to have her eggs at Loch Garten , dear Marge at Loch of the Lowes has now had 3 that is 56 eggs in total she has had - a superstar !! Take care all and dont work too hard !!

  2. Sunny days indeed, and lucky for that puffin to have an observant young man about.
