Saturday, 31 March 2012
Nearly there
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Hello boys!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
A Good Start
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Opening begins
Butterflies: Small Tortoiseshell 2 – first of the year
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Rangers return
Friday 23rd March comments: It was some day! The rangers have returned to the islands having spent the week training for the new season. On (a glorious)Friday morning the team moved into action as everything needed for a forthcoming season was moved from various locations to the harbour at Seahouses, before being packed onto a waiting boat. The kit included everything (almost the kitchen sink!) as we had food, water, gas, zodiac boats and engines, generators, water pumps, clothing, bedding, boardwalk timber and a lot, lot more to move out to the islands. Eventually the boat was full, the rangers boarded and we sailed back to the islands where we'll live for the next nine months.
Following a brief crossing we landed on Inner Farne and we were back. We then had the job of moving everything into its rightful place and eventually as dusk arrived we were finished. Following a few celebratory whiskeys, the tired team had an early night and day one was complete.
Bird highlights during the day included the discovery of our first Shag eggs, whilst both Puffins and Guillemots were present in huge numbers. Migrants were few and far between although four Siskin flying west and a pair of Gadwall was noteworthy.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
It's time to go
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Training begins
Sunday, 18 March 2012
And so it begins....

Thursday, 15 March 2012
Early start?
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
9,000 miles to go...

Tuesday 13th March comments: Just getting news that one of our Sandwich Terns has been sighted at some salt works near Swakopmund, Namibia!! The bird was seen only a few days ago having been ringed originally as a chick on Inner Farne on 25 June 2005. The bird was present in a roost of 170 birds and was discovered by Mark Boorman and reported to the BTO in the UK. The bird is currently 8,979km away from the Farnes, so it's got some travelling to do in the next few weeks!
Monday, 12 March 2012
Puffins in Farne Waters
It'll be some time before the birds set foot back on the islands (the birds last touched land eight months ago - yes they really have been at sea since August). Puffins will gather in numbers over the next few weeks and then eventually in late March, will touch-down on the breeding colonies and life of the Farnes Puffins will begin. I'm delighted the birds are returning but what kind of winter it has been for them is unclear, as only time will tell. Fingers crossed it's been a good one and we have plenty of birds to report when the rangers arrive next week.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Further prep.
Saturday, 3 March 2012
On the way

Thursday, 1 March 2012
Bird Ringing
- Shag chick ringed on Brownsman in 1982 was found dead in Eastbourne, East Sussex in September 2011 (an unusual southerly movement for this species)
- Shag chick ringed on Staple Island on 12 June 1981 was found dead in Fife on 16 June 2011 - this exceeds the current UK longevity record for a Shag by just over a month
- Puffin ringed on Brownsman in 1981 was found locally in Northumberland in April 2011
- Fulmar chick ringed on Brownsman in August 2010 was recovered dead on the shoreline at Texel, Holland after a period of violent weather on 25 May 2011
- Other interesting news has included reports of three Kittiwakes discovered breeding elsewhere having been ringed on the Farnes. These sites included Isle of Scilly, Anglesey and Denmark!
- Ringed Plover ringed as a chick on Brownsman in June 2010 was recovered at Beadnell on 30 April 2011 as a result of predation by a Gull.