Staple Island with a difference... (Graeme Duncan)

Keeping pup safe - a mother on Brownsman with Longstone in background (Graeme Duncan)
Monday 8th November comments: If you've seen the forecast, you know what is happening. For those who haven't, look away. Its fright night.
Its storm season and this one is brutal and it couldn't be happening at a worse time. The wind cranked up to 'storm force' overnight from the south-east and by dawn, the sea was raging. Mother Nature was moving through the gears and the Farnes were feeling the full affect. The storm raged all day and the forecast isn't pretty. The radio crackled into life as darkness fell...
"Forth, Tyne, Dogger, Fisher, German Bight, Humber, Thames, Dover; easterly backing northeasterly 6 to gale 8, perhaps severe gale 9 later. Rough or very rough, but high for a time. Rain or squally showers"
I'm not sure what 'high' means, but it doesn't sound good. We're in for a rough ride this week, there is no doubting that. As for the Seal pups, well, we've got trouble ahead....