Inner Farne opens its doors on 29th March 2013 |
Puffins will be back in big numbers |
Guillemots will begin pair bonding |
Open; St.Cuthbert's Chapel |
Cheer up, its only snow! The cold grip of winter is very evident at the moment, so to cheer everyone up, I’m going to bring you some great reasons to look forward and plan a trip to the Farne Islands in early spring. The islands will open its doors to the public on
Friday 29th March 2013 and there is so much to see during the early spring, its well worth a visit. Some of the reason include…
• Thousands of
Puffins will be back to spring clean burrows ready for the main nesting season; with very little vegetative growth you can get some really good views!
• The clifftops will be full of activity as
Shags will be collecting nesting material and if lucky, the first eggs may already have been discovered.
Guillemots and
Razorbills will be squabbling over cliff ledge space, as over 50,000 individuals cram onto the rocky outcrops of the Farnes to nest annually.
• Noisy
Kittiwakes will be present in good numbers with pair bonding activities underway.
• The first
Sandwich Terns will also be back from their African wintering grounds, but with no Arctic Terns due until early May, you can have a hat free day – no worry about being dive-bombed!
Grey Seals will be present in huge numbers and visitors will get superb views on the tour around the islands.
• Its not just the wildlife which will have returned; the ranger team will be back living on the islands (for another nine months!) so chat to them about their experiences and life on a rock in the north sea – its never dull out here.
• If the wildlife does not take your fancy, then try the solitude of St.Cuthbert’s chapel, built in honour of this famous northern saint. Cuthbert lived and died on Inner Farne in the seventh century.
• If none of this interests you, then just relax and take it all in. The Farne islands are a stunning place and well worth a visit come snow, rain or shine.
Quite simply, the Farnes remains one of the most accessible (and best) seabird colonies in Britain and it really is a MUST DO experience, so why not visit this year. You won’t be disappointed.