Saturday, 30 April 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
Glorious April
The month has brought some exceptional weather, with high temperatures and plenty of flat calm seas. However we went through a spell of thick fog late last week, but the sunshine has returned and everyone is happy once again!
On the seabird front, most birds are now on eggs including the latest additions of Razorbill, Black-headed Gull and Ringed Plover. In fact, having had Shags on eggs since 23rd March, we’ll probably be boasting chicks very soon! However, as expected, we’re waiting for the Terns to settle (but not until early May) whilst Kittiwakes have yet to lay (which will probably happen in the next day or two).
On the migration front, we’ve had up to 23 Little Terns (earlier than normal) during the evening roost whilst another Hooded Crow and the lingering Mediterranean Gull have been noticeable highlights.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Bird Report 2010

Birds on the Farne Islands 2010
The latest Farne Islands bird report is now out and for general sale on the islands. The report covers all aspects of the Farnes including full accounts of all 183 species recorded on Farne Islands during the year.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Sunny days continue...

On the cliff ledges, Guillemots are well settled, Razorbills are copulating and Shags have been on eggs for three weeks. Elsewhere more and more Eiders inspect nest sites around the islands whilst Puffins are now on eggs! It’s all go and we’ll soon be celebrating a full set of nesting birds, and then the hard work really begins.
On the migrant front, more summer migrants have arrived on the islands including up to thirty Willow Warblers on 15th and our first Tree Pipits on 16th April. Of real note, a Tree Sparrow was on Brownsman on 3rd, two Ospreys over on 2nd and 4th, a Hooded Crow was present on Longstone on 13th, the same day a Greenshank was noted on Knoxes Reef, whilst two different Mediterranean Gulls have been seen in the evening roost.
As for the team, we’ve been working hard, dealing with good numbers of visitors daily whilst preparing the islands for the nesting seabirds. Its early days but we’ve been living on the islands for one month now and as a head warden, the team have had a cracking start and thank-you to each and every one of you – keep it up, you’re doing the Farnes proud.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Own-goal nightmare

Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Eider eggs!
Monday, 11 April 2011
Happy Birthday Ciaran
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Sunday 10th April Comments: Each year I seem to report we've had 'another record quick start to the season' and here we go again as more record fall. This year the Shags were off to a flier (no pun intended) as eggs were laid on 23rd March and yesterday we discovered the earliest ever Guillemot eggs! It’s a stunning start and no doubt the question will be raised as to why we have had such an early start to the season but we may not really know the answers to the quick start. Certainly the settled weather is helping and long may it continue. On the islands, the warden team are happy as each day brings something new and exciting whilst visitor numbers are increasing slowly with the onset of fine weather and the Easter holidays. Migrant birds are moving through on a daily basis whilst the breeding seabirds are establishing themselves on the cliffs and island 'tops'. Its all go as Spring is well sprung.
Seabird highlights:
Eiders – starting to inspect nest sites on islands
Shags – settled on many pairs on nests
Guillemots – first eggs on 9th April – the earliest ever laying date on the Farnes!!
Puffins – settled on islands with nest scraping and copulation noted
Sandwich Terns – increasing daily with a peak of 175 on 9th April
Common Tern – a single on 6th April was our earliest ever
Kittiwake – nest building across the colonies
Migration Highlights
Sand Martin 13 north over on 8th April - first of the year
Swallow 6 over on 7th April - first of the year
Chiffchaff – first of the year arrived on 3rd April
Willow Warbler – 2 - our first of the year arrived on 10th
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Happy Birdthday April!