Saturday 22 February 2014

Mines a double!

Adult Sandwich terns on Inner Farne

Chick with dravic ring

Saturday 22nd February comments: This summer, for the first time on the Farne Islands, we ringed just over 100 Sandwich Tern chicks with small red darvics; special red plastic rings which have a unique three letter code enabling observers to read them in the ‘field’ with telescopes.

As a result we had a ‘return’ from a beach in Gambia in November as bird ‘UFA’ was spotted roosting amongst other terns on a beach. Now make that a double. News has just arrived that another of our Sandwich Terns has been seen, this time further south of Gambia in the Bijagos Archipelago off Guinee-Bissau. The bird fitted with the red darvic ‘UKS’ was noted on 22nd January.

This sighting shows you the value of such a ringing scheme and we hope this is the first of many sightings in future years so if you’re going abroad this winter, you may be a lot closer to the Farnes than you think!

Sandwich Tern ‘UKS’ movements
17th July 2013 ringed as a chick on Inner Farne
13th August 2013 seen at Findhorn Bay, Moray
18th August 2013 seen again at Findhorn Bay, Moray
22nd January seen on a beach at Bubaque, Guinee-Bissau

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Rise and Shine!

Fulmars back...

Grey Seals galore

Migrant Seals in 'stick'?

Cliff tops remain empty

Mid-winter buildings closed.

Wednesday 19th February comments: Its been a while but slowly and surely the Farne Islands is wakening from its winter slumber. The team will soon return, the seabirds will follow and the daily visitors will enjoy. It’s nearly that time of year again; Farnes season!

It’s been a quiet spell over the last few weeks although a couple of visits have ensured that all is well on the islands. The cliffs remain bare, but with displaying Eiders, Shags in breeding plumage and Fulmars wheeling above the islands, it starting to feel like spring.

Over the next week or two, I’ll be bringing you all the winter news from the islands; from welcoming new staff to saying goodbye to old friends. Watch this space, the blog is alive…