Friday 30th October comments:
Welcome back to storm season – a day of strong wind and heavy seas. Although we’ve been technically open to visitors for the past two weeks, we’ve only welcomed them on two days – Mother Nature hasn’t been kind to us recently. However Farnes life continues and yet more Seal pups have been born today, although we don’t have an official count for a few days. The team made the most of the day, as we went about daily tasks including construction of more boardwalk and applying much needed wood preserver to various wood doors.
On the bird front, the south-easterly winds brought in a small number of Thrushes but also at least ten Woodcock – like the Thrushes, moving from the near continent to winter within the UK. It allowed for some great views as birds fed around the buildings and give us a great opportunity for photos – nice work Davy! The Snow Bunting flock remain whilst the Richard’s Pipits are still here although due to the weather, we could not confirm the presence of a second bird…
Highlights: Woodcock 10 – a noticeable influx, Lapwing 2 south, Richard’s Pipit 1+ - still here although second bird not seen, Redwing 32 west, Blackbird 82 west, Fieldfare 21 west, Chiffchaff 1, Brambling 1, Snow Bunting 9 lingering
Welcome back to storm season – a day of strong wind and heavy seas. Although we’ve been technically open to visitors for the past two weeks, we’ve only welcomed them on two days – Mother Nature hasn’t been kind to us recently. However Farnes life continues and yet more Seal pups have been born today, although we don’t have an official count for a few days. The team made the most of the day, as we went about daily tasks including construction of more boardwalk and applying much needed wood preserver to various wood doors.
On the bird front, the south-easterly winds brought in a small number of Thrushes but also at least ten Woodcock – like the Thrushes, moving from the near continent to winter within the UK. It allowed for some great views as birds fed around the buildings and give us a great opportunity for photos – nice work Davy! The Snow Bunting flock remain whilst the Richard’s Pipits are still here although due to the weather, we could not confirm the presence of a second bird…
Highlights: Woodcock 10 – a noticeable influx, Lapwing 2 south, Richard’s Pipit 1+ - still here although second bird not seen, Redwing 32 west, Blackbird 82 west, Fieldfare 21 west, Chiffchaff 1, Brambling 1, Snow Bunting 9 lingering