Thursday 15 April 2010

Eggs keep coming!

Hello Puffins - Mediterranean Gull introducing itself to the locals
(by Mark Breaks)

Pair bonding Kittiwakes (by Mark Breaks)

Chiffchaff's on the move
Thursday 15th April comments:
The (reasonably) fine weather continued although with a slight chill in the air as the light wind was moving in from the north (which was bringing volcanic ash from Iceland apparently!). The breeding seabirds continued to come and go, with Shags well settled, Guillemots laying eggs but the real stars; the Puffins, continued to remain elusive (on occasions). However the major discovery of the day was the first Ringed Plover eggs of the year, on the beach on Inner Farne. The number of Sandwich Terns in the evening roost continues to increase daily (as shown below) and the first Arctic Tern will only be days away.
Sandwich Tern roost counts on the Farnes in April:
3rd – 6
4th – 26
6th – 75
10th – 94
13th – 128
14th - 131

Interestingly, the Mediterranean Gulls remain including at least one second-summer bird lingering in the large Black-headed Gull colony. Otherwise it’s quiet on the migration front with just a smattering of passerines.


Ipin said...

MArk's getting some nice pics there steely! Thanks for sortin gout the Young Rangers...hope to get out soon I

Jan said...

some great photos - any more news of the puffins?

Weird here in the Midlands today - no vapour trails, no plane noise - just birdsong!