Friday 12 August 2011

Autumn arrives

A Reed Warbler flicks out of the Longstone grass and onto a rock

A Whitethroat takes shelter on Staple island
A pied flycatcher arrives in the rain

The birthday boy of the day...

Friday 12th August comments: Well, our first sample of ‘rare’ weather this autumn – easterly flavoured winds and rain – occurred yesterday and has brought in quite a haul. With visitor boats stranded for the day due to the high swell, wardens were able to thoroughly check the islands for any migrants that dropped in throughout the day, and did they ever! Although the fall didn’t produce any big rares, the sheer number of other migrants made the day enjoyable for all, as Whitethroats and Pied Flycatchers showed well for onlookers. Two Grasshopper Warblers were found skulking in the orache fields of Staple Island, staying true to form and flushing at very close range before heading deep into the vegetation again for another run. Hopefully this marks the beginnings of a good autumn migration season for the Farnes...

And on another note, a happy birthday today to our glorious leader and head warden David Steel, currently enjoying his 11th year on the Farnes, his knowledge and experience keeps the whole place running smoothly and the Farnes has definitely improved significantly under his reign. Best wishes from the whole team here on the Farnes!

11th August highlights: Pied Flycatcher 4 lingering on both Inner Farne and outer group islands, Sedge Warbler 2, 1 Reed Warbler managed to find the only grassy area on Longstone, Garden Warbler 4, Whitethroat 3, Grasshopper Warbler 2 on Staple, Whinchat 3, Wheatear 5, Spotted Flycatcher 1 showing on Inner Farne, Lapwing 2 settled on Inner Farne’s north rocks and a flyover of a Greenshank and Green Sandpiper.


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Steely! x

The American Suburbanite, Changing Landscapes said...

Following the changing birds is the only way I know the seasons have changed, when did we have summer?

Farnes said...

Thanks team!! Another year but enjouying every minute out there with you all. Will return to the islands on Monday so role on some rares!

kezia said...

Happy Birthday David from me . I did sort of visit the Farne Islands this year but only did a sea trip - I did wave !!!! hopefully next year will catch up with you all .

Jan said...

Happy birthday David (somewhat belated)wishing you all the best

David Parnaby said...

Eleven years? And the rest! Is there anyone out there who can remember the Farnes without Steely? Some say it's not coincidence that nobody has ever seen him and St Cuthbert in the same room.