Saturday 27 August 2011

Never mess with a Fulmar...

A Fulmar chick ready to fledge (Ciaran Hatsell)

Fulmar saved by warden Will Scott (Anne Wilson)

Saturday 27th August comments: After the last few days excitement, the islands have gone quiet again, as the winds have switched to the north-west and yesterday's Wrynecks have moved on. However we've still got plenty to do and that includes helping our birds.

The Fulmar population is at record levels (almost 300 pairs nesting on here) and their chicks are now just fledging (yes, it takes a long time for them to fledge!). Yesterday the team spotted one such newly fledged bird, struggling out at sea and soon the bedraggled bird was rescued and placed in a box to allow it to dry. Although it never really thanked us for this act (it just tried to oil us), the bird was soon recovering and was returned to its nesting area, to try again. This time, try not get waterlogged Mr Fulmar!


jay said...

Pleased he was saved. You all do amazing work.

kezia said...

Nice one folks for the Fulmar save although he/she didnt thank you I am !!! Goodness it will soon be seal time wont it . Take care all .