Saturday 10 October 2009

Migrants role in...

A cracking male Firecrest on Inner Farne (by Davy Still)

Red-breasted Flycatcher Inner Farne (by Davy Still)

One of todays Yellow-browed Warblers

Saturday 10th October comments:
Welcome back! and what a welcome - its been a cracking day on the islands as a huge 'fall' occurred with a few rarities adding to the spice. The blog is up and running again and I'll be bringing you all the news from the Farnes over the next two months and read tomorrow as I'll bring you news of our first Grey Seal pup of the year....

Today's highlights:
Pintail 1N, Great Skua 4N, Sparrowhawk 1 on Longstone, Short-eared Owl 1 on Staple, Peregrine 1 on Brownsman, Jack Snipe 2 (Inner Farne and Staple), Woodcock, Quail 1 on Brownsman and then Staple Island - 2nd record of the year and latest ever Farnes record, Skylark 9, Wheatear, Redstart 4, Whinchat, Robin 37, Dunnock 11, Redwing 3,567 west, Blackbird 75, Ring Ouzel male on Inner Farne, Garden Warbler, Blackcap 15, Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow-browed Warbler 2 - singles on Inner Farne and Breownsman, Willow Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 18, Goldcrest 3, Firecrest male on Inner Farne - first since 2007, Red-backed Shrike immature on Inner Farne, Red-breasted Flycatcher 1st winter on Inner Farne, Brambling 16, Greenfinch 12, Chaffinch 14, Snow Bunting 5 and Reed Bunting 4.

Recent highlights:

Friday 9th October
Seawatching: Red-throated Diver 1N, Manx Shearwater 244N, Sooty Shearwater 71N, Arctic Skua 35N, Great Skua 64N, Pomarine Skua 4N – all adults, Puffin 2, Ring Ouzel - 1st winter on island, Snow Bunting 1 on island.

Thursday 8th October
Long-tailed Skua 1 adult north, Great Skua 4N, Snow Bunting on island

Monday 5th October
1N at 18:00 – skirting past Crumstone and then Brownsman – 5th for the Farnes following accepted records in 2002, 1999, 1996 and 1993.


Ipin said...

As they say Steely - a canny day!

Nearly makes up for the Lancy eh? No giggles here or at the bird club meeting the other night at your expense....not one...honest!

Mark said...

Fea's 'type' petrel eh?

Thanks very much!

Glad to see that you got yourself some nice birds....eventually.Our Uist trip report will be up on the blog soon....