Wednesday 21 October 2009

Storm season

Brownsman only Seal pup - safe and well

Staple Island being battered

Wednesday 21st October comments:
Day two of the storm and it remains real, it remains big. The south-easterly weather-front has remained constant and the sea has increased in size as two days of strong winds has ensured some impressive swell which is smashing itself into the islands. Although the Farnes are only 4 miles off the north Northumberland coast, that gap may as well be wider, as we’ll not see anyone else for some time. Forecasters are looking at next Tuesday, maybe. As the storm rages, the Shags look bemused, the Seals don’t care and the wardens look in awe. Welcome to the Farnes, this is storm season.

As for the seal pups, although few in number, they know when to keep their heads down and shelter out of reach of the vicious North Sea. The mothers are street-wise, they’ll know how to keep the youngsters safe and that’s a good thing. Migrant birds have also been dropping in today, somewhat bedraggled, as our lingering Richard’s Pipit remain, whilst a Firecrest was the pick of the rest.

Highlights: Woodcock 2, Short-eared Owl, Richard’s Pipit 2 STILL remain on Brownsman – the first of these two arrived over eleven days ago! Skylark 21, Black Redstart 1st winter, Ring Ouzel 1st male, Firecrest 1 fem/imm (2nd of the season), Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest 5, Brambling 7, Chaffinch and Reed Bunting 4.

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