Wednesday 9th June comments: Today has seen some major changes on the islands. The breeding birds are bracing themselves for something sinister (and I’m not talking about an idiot with a garden cane!) but my old friend... the weather. A low pressure system has developed over the islands bringing brisk north-easterly winds which could bring problems for our breeding seabirds. Its not just a problem for the birds, as the strong winds also prevented boats from sailing today so no visitors and the team will face a few days cut-off from the outside world. However forget our small inconveniences, its the seabirds which we should worry about...
The next few days will make or break our season - will the storm be strong enough to cause the seabirds some serious problems? Will enough rain fall to start flooding Puffin burrows? So many questions, so few answers at this moment, but I'll be pleased to see out the weekend unscathed. Lets hope the weather gods are looking favourably upon us.
However it wasn't all bad news as although the weather brought uncertainty to the breeding seabirds, small numbers of passage migrants arrived looking for food and shelter. The highlights included a stunning female Red-backed Shrike (which devoured one of our Rock Pipit chicks!), a Common Rosefinch (not that common!) and a Quail. However as Inner Farne had claimed the first ever Black Kite the previous week, it was the turn of the mighty Brownsman to bite back – as they claimed all the birds, leaving the Inner Farne team frustrated but 'fired' for tomorrow. I suspect things are about to get interesting.
On a final note - thanks for all the messages of support regarding the Arctic Tern incident - still in disbelief (and shock) at what happened and don't be put off - we welcome thousands of great people, who enjoy the wonders that are the Farne Islands - so keep on supporting us!
We do support you! you wardens do such a great job, and keeping us in the picture via the blog is great too.
Hope the weather is okay, and not too much damage.
Your old friend Mr G Buchanan has just flown off to Minnesota to film black bears again.
I cant believe what I read about the person killing the Artic Tern how awful , people amaze me , its their home and we are the intruders , just unbelievable words fail me . Just had a great trip to the Farnes and my head is still sore from the Terns but hey no problem , I decided the best way was to let one land and sit there then none of the others attacked while it was sitting !!!! Nice to see you David albeit only in Seahouses , I think you were busy in the Lighthouse so didnt like to disturb you , all the pics are fine this time and videos as well . Will see you next year as I just love the place , anyone that hasnt been please make sure you go , I so want to go to Staple Island but it is always too rough maybe next time . David just as I was getting on the boat a poor lady fell over hope she was okay and made her boat trip ??? Take care all and I have a feeling there is a football match tonight is there not ???
Seen you (Jason) on Countryfile tonight - husband looked a bit confused when I yelled "OOh its the Farnes Wardens!"
Nice shots of the island and the birds etc.
Great to see The Farnes on countryfile last night well done , I wonder why all my friends kept ringing and telling me you were going to be on - perhaps they know I love the place .
that,s an amazing picture of a quail flying low over the sea.i wonder if they usually fly that low,like scoters,or it was coming in to land...
Do hope everything is okay on The Farnes we havent heard from you for a while but then I guess you are all very busy with birds seals and humans , just hope all okay and do hope you did better in your football match than England did yesterday!!
nice mention :)
Thanks Jan for the link , good reading . Do hope we hear from David soon , it is the longest I have known him not blog , I am sure they are all fine and just very busy I guess .
The idiot with the cane... could have done with his head putting in the Churn waiting for a nice wave to bring him back to reality... And you can get online now on the mighty Inner Farne... how things have changed since my eye opener to life in the Tower in 1995! Please pass my regards to Billy, young William, Findus and Baby Findus and Martha in the booking office if they are all still around - and Mr Walton if he is still 'National Trust base Seahouses'. Hope everyone is well and have a great season. It is a place I must return to, and view as a visitor, rather than as an inhabitant.
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