Where have you been...

Saturday 17th July comments:
Welcome back everyone, where have you been? We’re back in action after technical difficulties (I blame those pesky puffins for interfering with the internet transmission on the islands!). One month is a long time in Farnes terms and so much has happened, so let me fill you in….
The seabird breeding season is almost at an end, as chicks galore are fledging from nests throughout the colonies on the Farnes. The warden team have monitored several thousand pairs of birds ranging from Puffins to Ringed Plovers and over the next few weeks, the data will be analysed to see just how well we have done. Speaking from experience (I’ve been here long enough!), it appears to have been a good year, but all will be revealed soon. Hasten to say, its been a typical busy summer, with plenty goings on. Over the next few weeks I'll bring you up to date with all the latest news, both good and bad.
As well as the seabirds, the warden team have had a hectic summer (as usual) working hard helping to study and protect the wildlife as well as welcome thousands of visitors to the islands. I'll be bringing you the news and views from the team so you had better stayed tuned.
So what next? The seabirds will gradually disappear from the islands over the next few weeks or so, whilst migrant birds will start arriving and the autumn migration will kick in. The way the year is going, it won’t be long before we are back working with our old friends, the Grey Seals.
Its good to be back.
yaaaaaaaaaahay David and Co welcome back !!!!!!! well I missed you for sure , thought The Farnes had sunk without trace , so good to hear from you and hear that all is going well and see the pictures . I enjoyed my visit and I do have a lovely picture of me with a tern sat on my head much to everyones amusement , I decided if you let one land and sit there you didnt get pecked as much !!! My pictures all came out this time so I actually have some treasured pictures to remind me of the day . Such a really great place and will visit again next year on my way to Loch Garten again , welcome back folks and super photos as usual , oh by the way still want to know who won the footie - not the world cup !! your match !!
and here was me thinking the NT might have censored you!
PS ta for the tea the other day - hope you got some cake!
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