
Friday 6th August comments: Well we're still here - just like the Puffins, but unlike our friendly comical neighbours, we're still suffering technical problems! Unfortunately the problem is due to continue for two more weeks, but from then on, it'll be updates like you've never seen them before! So sorry to all regular readers, just hang on in there the updates are coming!
The hectic summer period continues as good numbers of visitors continue to enjoy the islands although our breeding seabirds are starting to dwindle in numbers as they head for sunnier climes. The terns are gathering daily on the rocks and some have even departed whilst the Puffins remain, but only just. The Guillemots have long long (over a month now) whilst Razorbills are following suite. It won't be long before the Kittiwakes leave and the islands will fall silent, apart from the resident Shags which are gathering in huge 'super' flocks. From then on in, its all about the migrant birds before our attentions move to those sea monsters - our friends the Grey Seals - it'll be pupping season before we know it.
As for the team, its a time of change as some staff members are starting to leave (I'll feature everyone once we are up and running again) but we're still enjoying life on the rock. We even managed a paintball war game against the boatmen - great fun, but boy oh boy, they did hurt if you got shot at close range and as the boss, I can tell you I was a good target... Otherwise all is well, lots to report but just hold on and we'll sort the problems once and for all.
1 comment:
Nice to hear from you all I had a feeling it was technical again so no problem David , when you can its all good !! Some great pics once again thank you , you might just might see an Osprey heading over as they are starting to fly south , I am sure you will have your eyes peeled . Take care and glad you all had fun at paintball . Enjoy what little time some of you have left I am sure it has been a wonderful experience if your first time .
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