Wednesday 20 July 2011

Summer madness

Not like this today - a nice sunset over the islands

Food galore - adult Puffin with prey (David Andrews)

The harsh realities of island life - a chick lost to a Gull

Wednesday 20th July comments: Where has the summer gone? This week has brought rain, wind and cold temperature and it’s meant to be mid-July, not October! The seabird season is drawing to a close as successful family parties are starting to head off. The Puffins are massing and it won’t be long before they are all gone – so be warned, its your last chance to see them this year!

Other than that, the seawatching season has picked up with a reasonable count of Manx Shearwaters yesterday whilst wader numbers are increasing considerably.

Tuesday 19th July highlights: Manx Shearwater 335 north in evening, Arctic Skua 5N, Shoveler 1N, Black-tailed Godwit 1 on Knoxes Reef, Dunlin 26, Golden Plover 270, Sanderling 2 summer plumage adults, Knot 316, Purple Sandpiper 16 and Turnstone 200.

1 comment:

Lucas Kain said...

I feel really bad for the chick :( But yeah, that's life. Very nice photos, I hope you keep it up!

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