Thursday 18 September 2014

Fantastic Farnes!

Gone but not forgotten...yesterday's Golden Oriole, eating caterpillar! (David Kinchin-smith)

Farnes third ever Golden Oriole (David Kinchin-smith)

Little Bunting for fifth day (David Kinchin-smith)

Ringed together; Common Rosefinch and Little Bunting (David Steel)

Thursday 18th September comments: The blog feels like a ‘stuck record’ at this moment; another day, another pile of good birds! The Farnes are going through a purple patch and a lot remained after yesterday’s epic haul. However the stunning Golden Oriole had moved on but was replaced with a Red-breasted Flycatcher on Inner Farne, so few were complaining.

The week has certainly put the islands back on the ‘bird map’ after a quiet spell and with more easterly winds forecast, what else will we see? One thing is for sure, it’s never dull and today’s list of birds will show that;

Rustic Bunting (for fourth day on Brownsman)

Little Bunting (for fifth day on Brownsman)

Yellow-browed Warbler (two; singles on Inner Farne and Brownsman)

Common Rosefinch (present on Inner Farne)

Red-breasted Flycatcher (present on Inner Farne)

Red-backed Shrike (for third day on Brownsman)

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