Wednesday 29th September comments:
It’s been another interesting few days on the Farnes. The wind switched from the north to the east, resulting in further days without visitor boats, but the floodgates opened, as migrant birds descended onto the islands.
It’s been another interesting few days on the Farnes. The wind switched from the north to the east, resulting in further days without visitor boats, but the floodgates opened, as migrant birds descended onto the islands.
I apologise in advance for the ‘birdy’ nature of the blog at present, but it’s been a frantic period, with birds galore across the islands. Huge numbers of warblers, finches and thrushes have arrived with a few rarities scattered amongst them including an impressive two Great Grey Shrikes on Brownsman, the first Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn whilst the Arctic Redpoll remained in residence. Read on for the recent daily totals, its worth a glance…
Recent highlights
Wryneck 2 (individuals on Inner Farne and Brownsman) on 28th September
Bluethroat (third this year) on Inner Farne on 27th-28th September
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 on Inner Farne on 27th-28th September
Great Grey Shrike 2 together on Brownsman on 27th with one on 28th
**Arctic Redpoll still present today (arrived 24th)
Common Redpoll 2 together on Inner Farne on 27th September
Common Rosefinch 25th-27th September
Lapland Bunting 2 on Inner Farne on 27th with one Brownsman on 28th-29th
Little Bunting on Brownsman on 29th September
Other birds on 29th September
Lapwing, Kestrel 3, Peregrine 2, Sparrowhawk, Jack Snipe 2, Short Eared Owl, Wood Pigeon, Tree Pipit, Robin 60, Dunnock 22, Redstart 23, Wheatear 13, Whinchat 3, Song Thrush 290, Redwing 25, Ring Ouzel 2, Blackbird 19, Grasshopper Warbler 2, Reed Warbler 2, Blackcap 16, Garden Warbler 2, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler 10, Chiffchaff 39, Goldcrest 29, Pied Flycatcher 5, Brambling 105, Chaffinch 89, Siskin 50, Lesser Redpoll and Reed Bunting 9
Other birds on 28th September
Brent Goose 10N, Sparrowhawk 2, Kestrel 3, Merlin, Peregrine 2, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper 2, Jack Snipe 3, Grey Plover, Wood Pigeon 2, Tree Pipit 3, Dunnock 18, Robin 90, Redstart 33, Whinchat 4, Wheatear 16, Sing Thrush 120, Redwing 71, Grasshopper Warbler, Reed Warbler 3, Blackcap 18, Garden Warbler 3, Whitethroat 4, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Willow Warbler 20, Chiffchaff 62, Goldcrest 42, Pied Flycatcher 3, Brambling 87, Chaffinch 64, Siskin 71, Lesser Redpoll and Reed Bunting 4
Brent Goose 10N, Sparrowhawk 2, Kestrel 3, Merlin, Peregrine 2, Greenshank, Common Sandpiper 2, Jack Snipe 3, Grey Plover, Wood Pigeon 2, Tree Pipit 3, Dunnock 18, Robin 90, Redstart 33, Whinchat 4, Wheatear 16, Sing Thrush 120, Redwing 71, Grasshopper Warbler, Reed Warbler 3, Blackcap 18, Garden Warbler 3, Whitethroat 4, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Willow Warbler 20, Chiffchaff 62, Goldcrest 42, Pied Flycatcher 3, Brambling 87, Chaffinch 64, Siskin 71, Lesser Redpoll and Reed Bunting 4
Other birds on 27th September
Sooty Shearwater 101N, Manx Shearwater 16N, Kestrel 2. Sparrowhawk, Peregrine 2, Short-eared Owl 2 west, Wood Pigeon 12 (record Farnes count!), Yellow Wagtail, Tree Pipit 7, Dunnock 17, Robin 92, Redstart 24, Wheatear 13, Whinchat 7, Song Thrush 150, Redwing 80, Blackbird 24, Ring Ouzel 5, Grasshopper Warbler, Reed Warbler 2, Blackcap 24 and Willow Warbler 15
I'm amazed by the numbers coming through. Good work guys :)
LOL @ 12 wood pigeons - you can gladly have some of my local ones - they scoff all the seed in sight!
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