Thursday 12th April comments: Its been another cracking day on the islands as breeding seabirds returned in good numbers. It was great to see the vast numbers of Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins return to the island tops - it won't be long before all three species are on eggs. Kittiwakes have started next building whilst Shags continue to sit - having been on eggs since 23rd March!
Bird highlights included a Great Skua north, whilst our first Common Terns (two of them) were discovered in our evening roost of Sandwich terns. Only a matter of time before the Arctic Terns are back - oh joy, Arctic Terns...I remember them. peck.
Oh what great pics Puffins Razorbills and all love them even the Artic Terns - hats on everyone sun shining in Petersfield today hope the weather good with you all and you have lots of visitors , cant wait to visit in July and David bringing a friend over her first visit to the Farnes - I have told her what a special place it is
Sorry bit belated I know but should have said Happy Birthday Ciaran - hope you had a good one
save the world
love our beauty world
very nice blog and thanks for info
go green
thanks very much from me
kasino and friends
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