Thursday 26 April 2012

Wry does it always rain on me?

Wryneck magic on Staple Island (Graeme Duncan) 

From the kitchen window - one of four Ring Ouzels on islands today (David Steel) 

Male Redstart in building (Will Scott) 

Robins galore (yet again) 

 Not good...Puffin burrows under water (Ciaran Hatsell)

Thursday 26th April comments: It’s been another interesting few days on the Farnes as once again the weather has been the main talking point. Following a few settled days (a rarity!) earlier in the week we find ourselves in yet another low pressure system which is bringing northerly winds and yet more rain.

The end result? Closure and difficult conditions for the breeding seabirds. The heavy rain continues to fall and the Puffin burrows on some islands are starting to suffer, especially on Brownsman. Flooding is very apparent on that particular island and we really can’t take much more of this wet stuff. Thankfully as it’s still early in the breeding season, birds will have time to recover…we hope. Watch this space for more news on this subject…and hopefully its positive!

Despite the difficult conditions, migrant birds have been pouring into the islands with some stunning highlights. The most noticeable being two Wryneck’s discovered on Inner Farne and another on Staple Island (which later moved to Brownsman). These cryptic critters are stunning birds and really brightened up another grim day up north. The Farnes could have hit the 'birding headlines' today but unfortunately the bird got away and that story is best left for another day, buts its a real interesting one for anyone listening....  

Other highlights included the lingering Moorhen on Inner Farne for its fourth day (with another on Staple Island), four Ring Ouzels (great spring for them) and three stunning Redstarts. A great day for the islands although we really need the weather to change…please.

Today’s highlights: Great Northern Diver 1N, Golden Plover 35N, Teal 2, Moorhen 2 (Staple Island and Inner Farne), Wheatear 13, WRYNECK 2 (Staple Island and Inner Farne), Ring Ouzel 4 (3 male, 1 female), Song Thrush 19, Fieldfare 2, Redwing 1, Redstart 3 (2 male 1 female) – first of the year, Robin 39+, Chiffchaff 4, Willow Warbler 9, Blackcap 6 and Reed Bunting 2.

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