Sunday 9 November 2014

830 and counting...

Hello! New born Seal pup on the Farnes

Behind in action

Cute isn't the word!

Young pup practising..blowing bubbles

Pup three weeks old, having moulted and now independent!
Sunday 9th November comments: It’s bee a hectic weekend having spent the majority of it on the Grey Seal colonies of the Farne Islands. A total of 315 new pups were counted and sprayed since our previous visit earlier last week bringing our total of births to 830.

It’s an impressive number but we’ve still got some way to go; we believe we are about half-way through the counting so plenty to keep us occupied over the next few weeks.

The top four colonies on the Farnes are now:

South Wamses 257
Staple Island 254
Brownsman 151
North Wamses 144

Onwards and upwards, as this week will bring more births and more counting.