Thursday 1 August 2013

Let's see what we can sea sea sea!

Get involved! The big seawatch is here! 
Bottlenose Dolphin, seen last year from the Farnes (Bex Outram)
See what you can spot! 
Thursday 01st August comments: This week, the Seawatch Foundation has been encouraging volunteers around the UK to get their eyes on the sea in an attempt to map the distribution of Cetaceans around British waters. Amazingly, twenty-eight species of Whale and Dolphin can be seen around the UK, so let's find some!

This weekend, the Farne Islands Rangers, a team at Lindisfarne and one at Dunstanburgh are all taking part in an all-day seawatch to see what we can record! If you are free this weekend, all of the teams will be there for you to join and take the opportunity to get your eyes on the sea! Last year saw Minke Whale and plenty of Harbour Porpoise seen, but you never know what might pop up! The more eyes looking, the better!  

This year has already been an exceptional year for sightings around the Farnes, with Minke Whales seen more or less daily and many sightings of Porpoise and White-beaked Dolphin in local waters. The seawatch is contributing to a national dataset of 11 years, so all the sightings from around the UK are extremely valuable! For more information and to submit any sightings please visit Get involved!

So come along and join the team in a seawatch extravaganza, you never know, with things like Humpback Whale, Basking Shark and Killer Whale all recorded in Farnes waters, you could be the lucky person to spot that special something! We will guarantee a WHALE of a time!!!

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