Willow Warblers on the move south |
Purple Sandpipers returning from the high north |
Black-tailed Godwits moving through |
Dunlin feeding on Brownsman pond |
Sunday 18th August comments: The month of August
brings changes to the Farnes as our breeding seabirds gradually depart but are
replaced by migratory birds heading south for the winter. The Farnes act as an
important ‘service station’ with everything from Goldcrests to Willow Warblers
taking advantage as they ‘fuel up’ on juicy caterpillars, insects and much
A good example was seen on the islands yesterday with almost
30 Willow
Warbler, Redstart, Sedge Warbler and Blackcap all discovered taking advantage
of the available food source. It’s not just passerines on the move, as waders
are also filtering through from the high arctic with Black-tailed Godwits,
Purple Sandpipers and Dunlin gracing the islands. Even the Bridled Tern
reappeared for two days last week, so anything is possible.
As autumn migration picks up, we’ll be on hand to show
people the birds that make this place special and with bird ringing
demonstrations planned, it’ll be well worth a visit…
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