Adult Sandwich Tern on eggs on Inner Farne |
Special 'darvic' rings for Sandwich Tern chicks |
Fledged Sandwich Tern chick on Inner Farne beach sporting a darvic ring |
And now on Findhorn beach, northern Scotland! (Richard Somers Cock) |
Monday 11th August comments: Over the last few months the Farnes team have been going about their ‘usual’ business from dealing with thousands of visitors to monitoring the precious wildlife.
Part of the scientific work we undertake includes bird ringing, a tried and tested way of discovering so much about our birdlife. For the second consecutive season, as part of a larger UK wide scheme, we ringed almost 200 Sandwich Tern chicks with special ‘darvic’ rings. These rings are plastic with three digit codes allowing observers to read them with binoculars and telescopes.
As our Sandwich Terns have now started leaving, it’s been great to receive news of our birds on their first travels. Up to six Northumberland ringed Sandwich Tern chicks have been sighted on a beach at Findhorn in northern Scotland by Richard Somers Cock and this will hopefully be the first of many sightings.
It’s interesting to learn that our Sandwich Terns always depart north before eventually heading south for the winter (why do this?). This scheme is only in its infancy, but already it’s producing some impressive results and long may it continue. So if you see a Sandwich tern, check its legs…it could be ours!