Common Terns grounded |
Nesting female Mallard in old lobster pots (Will Scott) |
Kittiwakes nest building (Bex Outram) |
A recent visitor...Black Guillemot meets Eider (David Kinchin-smith) |
Monday 13th May comments: The breeding season continues to gather pace and whilst a good majority of our seabirds are now incubating eggs, we still await others. Fulmars have become scarce in recent days as birds have departed for the open sea, a strange phenomena which occurs every May before they return and lay eggs. Although just a local term, the island team call this the 'honeymoon' period as birds will be away for a week before returning to lay.
Elsewhere Common Terns were observed landing on Inner Farne on their traditional breeding areas, whilst Arctic Terns continue to display high above the main colonies and it won't be long before these two Tern species are settled on the islands. Last but not least, Kittiwakes are still busy building and soon we'll have a complete set.
Interestingly, if you are visiting the islands, it'll be well worth keep your eyes peeled for our 'rarer' nesting species which have returned including Shelduck, Red-breasted Merganser and Ringed Plover amongst others. Its never dull on planet Farnes....
1 comment:
Interesting that the Black Guillemot is still there, he should be off looking for a nest about now. It's a bit far south for him to be nesting on the Farnes...
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