Wood Warbler on Inner Farne (David Kinchin-smith) |
First spring record since 2008 (David Kinchin-smith) |
Despite the weather...looking good (David Kinchin-smith) |
Monday 20th May comments: Its been another interesting day on the Farnes and another day without seeing the mainland! The thick fog remained and at one point, we couldn't see the end of the island, never mind the sea! Despite the conditions, migrant birds continued to arrive including a stunning Wood Warbler; our first spring record since 2008.
The bird showed well, feeding actively in wet conditions on Inner Farne and looked good alongside our Puffins! The male Bluethroat remained although both the Shrike and female Bluethroat have moved on. Soon we'll be into the world of seabirds, so these migrants have been a nice distraction. The fog is due to lift tomorrow, so come out and visit, you'll not be disappointed.
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