Wednesday 15 May 2013

'Owling Gales

Sedge Warblers on the move (David Kinchin-smith)

Garden Warbler in the undergrowth

Spot the Owl...a snap shot of the Short-eared Owl (Will Scott)

Wednesday 15th May comments: Its never dull on the Farnes, it just never is. I’ll bring the full story of our day on Friday but with the wind reaching almost gale force north-easterly with lashing rain, it certainly wasn’t a day to forget. For the vast majority of people a day like this is one to spend indoors, sheltering from the wind and the rain and keeping warm. But not for the rangers of the Farnes!

At this time of year, birds are migrating north, heading for their breeding grounds in continental Europe. With the Farnes lying off the east coast of the UK, easterly winds are very welcome over here with birds being blown onto the islands and grounded by the rain. Today produced a good scattering including a stunning Short-eared Owl which flew low west over the islands.Tomorrow the weather is due to settle and we’ll open our doors again and look forward to seeing everyone.

Today’s highlights: Common Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl 1 west, Tree Pipit, Blackbird, Black Redstart 3, Redstart 2, Wheatear 7, Garden Warbler 3, Sedge Warbler 2 and Willow Warbler 7.

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